Welcome to the UVMA website!

This public website will be the primary communication tool for our new Utility Vegetation Management  Association (UVMA).

The purpose of this organization and website is to create a forum for individuals in the utility vegetation management  industry to communicate, learn and share current events and best practices. In addition, it will be a source of information where the public and other stakeholder groups can learn more about the safety issues surrounding the conflict of power lines and trees.

Our vision is to be the premier association and website for those involved in utility vegetation management business. Management and field operations will have opportunities to keep current on best management practices and trends within the industry as well as compliance and regulatory issues. We will leverage the networking opportunities we have with related organizations, such as the Utility Arborist Association (UAA - International) and the Professional Vegetation Managers Association (PVMA) (Formerly the IVMAA).

Membership dues of $85.00/year are due January 1st of each year. The Utility Arborist Association dues are not included in the UVMA dues.  However we encourage all members to join and/or renew the UAA membership directly through the UAA Website.

This association and website belongs to you the members and is here to serve you and the stakeholder public. Members are what make it work. We look forward to the many opportunities we will have to learn and share in the future.

Again, we welcome you and we look forward to building a safer and more professional industry in the future.

UVMA Board of Directors

Click here for all of UVMA's sponsoring members.