Membership Registration - UVMA and UAA

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a phone number - 123-456-7890
Please enter an alternate phone number - 123-456-7890
Please enter your mailing address.
Address - line 2
Please enter your city name
Please select your province.
Please enter your postal code.


Please enter your employer name or "retired."
Please enter your employer's address.
Employer's address - line 2
Please enter your employer's city.
Please select your province.
Please enter your postal code.
Please enter your employer's phone - 123-456-7890
Employer's fax number.
Please enter a valid email for your employer.
Please select the type of membership.

Additional documentation:

UVMA's Code of Ethics

Privacy of Information

Please indicate that you agree to the documents above.

Please note: Your indication that you agree to these documents also authorizes UVMA to verify the information provided in this form as to your employment. This agreement is the equivalent to a signature and will be considered as such.

You will be charged $85.00. Please confirm your agreement to this fee.